
Showing posts from September, 2017


"So what are you a nerd of??" they ask. Well i'm a nerd of makeup !1!1! :) aha but for real I love makeup. I barely wear makeup to school (besides mascara and blush) I think anymore than that is too much but I really don't mind if they are. Usually I go through my instagram feed and look at makeup posts and see what I would like to recreate. I've tried makeup for the first time when I was 8 I think?? My friend and I were just playing around with glitter and a lot of pigmented eyeshadows and it was terrible :o it was such a mess to clean up >:( but anyways i've learned from my mistakes and continually improve, just like my goals for this school year!! It may sound cheesy and all but don't give up!! haha byee ☮

~inspirational quotes~

So this is my first post!! This weekly post is about inspirational quotes!! yay :)  So this first one is good to think about because it's just a reminder to be all about positivity!! ~good vibes onlyy~ haha, I think that that phrase is amazing, it makes me feel like a flower child. Onto my next quote which is ~over thinking kills your happiness~     So to me, this says a lot. Whenever you're stressing out over something so small remember it's not gonna matter later on in life!! I don't know but everyone has those days where they feel terrible and are so stressed out over something just like I said it's 👏N👏O👏T 👏     G👏O👏N👏N👏A     M👏A👏T👏T👏E👏R👏     Finally, my last quote is ~stay weird~      Well, you've probably heard the phrase "nobody's perfect" well they're right. Don't stop being you my fellow weirdosss ☮