~5 things I would like for the holidays:)~

Now that it's freezing cold outside (ew) it's now time for the H o L i D a Y s!1!1 For this week's blog I'm going to write about what I would like for Christmas both non-materials and materialistically. So let's get started with the list (oof I sound like some youtuber)

1.) To be happier
Yes, I know this does sound cheesy but people always say that teen years are the hardest but also are the ones to be the ones to remember and cherish so I guess I wanna be more positive about life and just see where that takes me.

2.) Money
I mean without a doubt wouldn't anyone just like to be handed money. I guess this one's pretty self-explanatory.

3.) To be more useful with time
I never do my homework on time these days, I just sit around on my phone and eat which is a complete foolery and always end up doing my homework the day it's due or at midnight trying to catch it in disrupting my sleeeep schedule, so yeah that's one of the reasons.

4.) This morphe palette
I've seen how pigmented this palette is and I immediately fell in love 😍
Image result for 35O - 35 COLOR NATURE GLOW EYESHADOW PALETTE Sold Out

5.) Oversized sweaters
I  L O V E oversized sweaters so much. They make me look like a blob but I honestly don't care, they're so comfy and you cant tell whether I'm fat, skinny, short, tall.. you never know because I'm just a blob at this point.


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