
Showing posts from December, 2017

~5 things I would like for the holidays:)~

Now that it's freezing cold outside (ew) it's now time for the H o L i D a Y s!1!1 For this week's blog I'm going to write about what I would like for Christmas both non-materials and materialistically. So let's get started with the list (oof I sound like some youtuber) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.) To be happier ------------------------- Yes, I know this does sound cheesy but people always say that teen years are the hardest but also are the ones to be the ones to remember and cherish so I guess I wanna be more positive about life and just see where that takes me. 2.) Money ------------------------- I mean without a doubt wouldn't anyone just like to be handed money. I guess this one's pretty self-explanatory. 3.) To be more useful with time ------------------------- I never do my homework on time these days, I just sit around on my phone and eat which is a complete foolery and always end up doi...