
Showing posts from November, 2017

~what i'm grateful for~

I'm on the way home from ccd and my ccd teacher was talking about how we need to be grateful and I know my parents say I'm not grateful enough as I text my friends on snapchat but I truly am. So I decided to make a list of things I'm very grateful for. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.)  My parents~ I have so many things for me to be thankful for but listing them all would take up the whole page so I'm just gonna name a few: thank you for giving me food, shelter, and the love that you guys give me even though at times it seems like you don't love me like when you guys are R E A L L Y mad but I know deep down you guys still love me for whatever I do and that you guys just want whats best for me. 2.) My friends~ These are the people I have to confide in, I tell all my problems to them and vice versa. We laugh all the time and I don't know just seeing them makes me happy, like we could be on our phones and we'd