
Showing posts from March, 2018

~dear diary~

3/22/2018 Dear diary,  Today was mediocre. I have an orthodontist appointment right after school and hopefully I get my braces off  right before high school so if you see me without braces in high school my wish came true. At the moment we are one day away from spring break and i'm so excited. Tomorrow i'm going to b dubs with Mia and Maryam for an extra credit project in Spanish. I have a b+ in Spanish class right now so I hope that this project would bring it up to an A.  I guess that's all I'm gonna talk about for this blog, so bye!

~free blog~

um so I guess this weeks free blog is going to be about Chipotle? I don't know I guess I always talk about Chipotle and I decided to talk about it in my blog lol. So let's start off with what I get. I usually order a burrito bowl or when i'm feeling it, a burrito. I get chicken and brown or white rice whatever it's the same thing and then I add: cheese, lettuce, the corn salsa and guacamole. Yeah guac is extra and yeah It seems bland but trust me it's so good. Normally I get the chips to balance out the texture and so that's what I get from Chipotle. I don't know what else to talk about so I guess that's it for this blog.

~soundtrack of my life~

this long due blog is about a soundtrack of my life!! I don't know any song to relate to my toddler years so I'll start off with Elmo's song. I have so many memories watching Sesame Street and learning so much from Sesame Street and other shows alike. Not only has Sesame Street taught me about the ABC's but also the value of friendships and to always have the love for your family. elmo's song Moving on to a bigger part of my life is changing schools. I wouldn't have met all these awesome people here if I haven't moved but I still have to remember my old friends and so here's a song to them. see you again Seeing all these bad things happening in the world made me think I could do something to make a positive change in this world. heroes Every day I get older I just remind myself that I'm young for only a short time so I try to have the most fun out of it while I can. YOUTH Hannah Montana's song is my motto to remember to not be s